Windows10 I had to crash my Computer I have reinstaled A V G the free one I have a valid Liecence c

Hello Robin,

I understand you want to activate AVG free with the license number, I will help you with that. Please refer this article (drag down the article and follow the steps ) on how to activate AVG program with the license number. If you face any difficulties, please let me know to assist further.

I had to Crash My computer  I have rebooted it But I cannot get AVG full protection I have a Liecence code Running till  June 2018

I am having the same problem. I used the article you suggest but when i enter my licence number it says it is invalid and i cant log in either

Hello Robin,

I understand you want to activate AVG free with the license number, I will help you with that. Please refer this article (drag down the article and follow the steps ) on how to activate AVG program with the license number. If you face any difficulties, please let me know to assist further.