Wrong delivery address

Hi Kenza,
In my account is the right new address since a couple of years.
But this year, and last year too and before, when I renew and upgrade my AVG protection I got the link to the upgrade in a email.
In this email my home address shows under Shipping Info, and this address is not the address that I have in my profile (since years ago). I´ts the old address. That´s the issue. 
Sorry that I didn´t mentioned that it´s under the shipping info earlier.
Best regards

Hi P-A,
I have transfered your request to proper department, I will keep you informed here.

I want to address this to AVG and not the Forum (I think).

I change my delivery address for maybe three years ago in My Account.
But still when I renew the license every year the old address remain in the email I receive with the renew/upgrade download letter. But My Account shows the new (now three years old) address.
I'ts annoying.
Can the AVG office/center do something about this?

Parden my bad English


Thanks for the clarification P-A. We have passed this to the responsible depart to fix it. We will let you know when there are any updates.

Have a good day
Hi There P-A Harald!

Thank you for stopping by here at the community, My name is Kenza one of the Guru's here on the community and i am here to help you resolve your query.

If i can point out the AVG My Account portal which is where all of your orders, receipts and invoices are located.

If you could login to https://myaccount.avg.com/gb-en/my-account-profile (https://myaccount.avg.com/gb-en/my-account-profile" target="_blank) here you should be able to update your details and submit your new address.

Best Regards,

Hi P-A,
I have transfered your request to proper department, I will keep you informed here.