Wrong email address entered

Hello Harry, please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject. Please have a look at the following posting  https://www.facebook.com/messages?action=read&tid=id.1437253877329:d60bfb9d7afc5bf757&mid=id.1437254139392:fdda2bf86139738042&clientId=18205.

I entered a wrong email address when I buy the AVG, so I can not activate becaust the link to activate goes to the wrong email address.

Please let me know how to do.


Hello Harry, please refrain from carrying out multiple postings on the same subject. Please have a look at the following posting  https://www.facebook.com/messages?action=read&tid=id.1437253877329:d60bfb9d7afc5bf757&mid=id.1437254139392:fdda2bf86139738042&clientId=18205.