Wrong email address

Hello Mpumelelo,

We will certainly help you with this.
Due to some privacy concerns, we request you not to include sensitive information in public posts. Hence, we sent you an e-mail explaining the account details and revert to us for further assistance.
If the e-mail is not found in your inbox, do check your spam/junk folders as well.
Thank you.

I was installing my AVG Internet security 

Unfortunately I mistyped my email address so I could not receive the email verification

and the software was not activated.

So please tell me what to do; m***a@yahoo.com instead of


Thanks and kind regards

Mpumelelo Sibanda

Hello Mpumelelo,

We will certainly help you with this.
Due to some privacy concerns, we request you not to include sensitive information in public posts. Hence, we sent you an e-mail explaining the account details and revert to us for further assistance.
If the e-mail is not found in your inbox, do check your spam/junk folders as well.
Thank you.