You do not have permission to shut down or restart this computer

Hi David,
This is a known bug in Windows 7.
Here is a workaround until Microsoft comes up with a permanent fix. (…if they do. Windows 7 reached "End of Support" last month.)

Step 1: Press Windows+R to open the Run window.
Step 2: Type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
Step 3: In the Group Policy Editor window go to: Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
Step 4: In the right panel of the Security Options option, search and double-click on "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode."
Step 5: In the new window, select Enable.
Step 6: Reopen the Run window, but this time type gpupdate /force and press Enter. This will update all group policies.
Step 7: Restart or shut down your system normally.

Hope this helps.

Hello David,

The message that you see as 'Windows 7 is no longer supported' is the default one that would appear for Windows 7 users.
The reason is because of the end of support for Windows 7 operating system.
However, this message can be skipped and you should be able to log in without any issues.
We're unsure why you are getting the message as "You do not have permission to shut down or restart this computer".
Did you contact Microsoft support and inquire why you are receiving this message?
Have you logged into your computer as administrator?

This morning I was closing down my computer and received the message that "You do not have permission to shut down or restart this computer"  I called a friend that gave me a work around until a fix is available.
1. Log off the computer
2. Then from that screen, shut down using the red button.

I was just shutting off the power, but that can corrupt files and mess up the computer.  This is a windows 7 system that this message was displayed. Yesterday I had a full screen "Windows 7 is no longer supported" or words to that effect, pop up on my machine.

Does anyone know a fix for this problem

Hi David,
This is a known bug in Windows 7.
Here is a workaround until Microsoft comes up with a permanent fix. (…if they do. Windows 7 reached "End of Support" last month.)

Step 1: Press Windows+R to open the Run window.
Step 2: Type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
Step 3: In the Group Policy Editor window go to: Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options.
Step 4: In the right panel of the Security Options option, search and double-click on "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode."
Step 5: In the new window, select Enable.
Step 6: Reopen the Run window, but this time type gpupdate /force and press Enter. This will update all group policies.
Step 7: Restart or shut down your system normally.

Hope this helps.

I have done both scans set to high sensitivity and they both came up negative. The message still appears and there has been no response from Microsoft either.

When I contacted my friend he went to leapingcomputer . com and found that the message about not having permission is some type of malware. As for logging in as an admin. I am the only one who uses the computer and am the admin. Microsoft support has not responded to my question.

User-added image

Thank you for the screenshot, David.
We have researched and found that this is a known bug for Windows 7 users.
If you contact Microsoft support regarding this concern they will be able to you provide you with right steps to resolve this issue.

Hello David,

The message that you see as 'Windows 7 is no longer supported' is the default one that would appear for Windows 7 users.
The reason is because of the end of support for Windows 7 operating system.
However, this message can be skipped and you should be able to log in without any issues.
We're unsure why you are getting the message as "You do not have permission to shut down or restart this computer".
Did you contact Microsoft support and inquire why you are receiving this message?
Have you logged into your computer as administrator?

Here is a shot of the message. I do not know if it means anything but when I "Clean up" my computer, using CCCleaner, when the program gets to a file by the title "user\dave\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\explorer\ " I have had the program run for 2 hours without removing this item. This, too, has just started at the time of the message.

When I do type gpedit.msc I am told that can not be found. Still stuck with the permission problem.