Hi Bob,
We acknowledge your refund request.
However, upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge. It might be under your alternate/old email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email with those info to locate the charge.
Some weeks ago I conclude my business with you.I now see you have taken 109.99 euro from my Bank account. If this is not refunded, I am reporting it to the
Hi Bob,
We acknowledge your refund request.
However, upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge. It might be under your alternate/old email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email with those info to locate the charge.
We acknowledge your refund request.
However, upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge. It might be under your alternate/old email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email with those info to locate the charge.
Hi Bob,
We acknowledge your refund request.
However, upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge. It might be under your alternate/old email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email with those info to find the charge & help you further with your request.
We acknowledge your refund request.
However, upon checking your account, we're unable to locate the charge. It might be under your alternate/old email address.
As it isn't recommended to share the order details over this post, we've sent you an email requesting few info.
Please revert to us via email with those info to find the charge & help you further with your request.