Hi You,
We request you to reinstall AVG Secure browser once and check the status.
If the same situation persist, we can escalate to senior team and inquire the reason.
For uninstalling AVG Secure browser, please refer this article.
For install it, please check this article.
Keep us posted.
Please Help.
The SavefromNet Green Download Button on the top of the videos for download when I Cursor over YouTube Videos using AVG Secure Browser is missing again.
When I said 'again', I meant to say that this has been happening through out 2020 but sometimes it reappears when I tried to install it again from SavefromNet, but this time it doesn't work for AVG Secure Browser, though this time it works for Chrome Browser when I truned on the extension for MeddleMonkey, but AVG Secure Browser Extension does not have this extension feature for me to reactivate the Green Download Button.
Please Help.