YT Downloader is installed on my PC and I cannot get rid of it. Help!

I'm also having problems with it. I've removed it using ad/remove programs but now I get a rundll error constantly. Help on the net suggests downloading more malware removing programs but why doesn't my paid for AVG fix it?? These other programs are not free.

Hi Scott,
Please provide us with screenshot so we can better understand what issue you are dealing with.

Have you 'googled' Remove YT Downloader?.

YT Downloader is installed on my computer and I cannot uninstall or delete it.  How do I remove this crap?

Have you 'googled' Remove YT Downloader?.

I'm also having problems with it. I've removed it using ad/remove programs but now I get a rundll error constantly. Help on the net suggests downloading more malware removing programs but why doesn't my paid for AVG fix it?? These other programs are not free.
@ Scott Naude
Scott, For removal info have you 'googled' remove YT Downloader?..
No AV product is capable of providing you with 100% protection although AVG are always working 24/7.
Have a look @ these 2 articles..
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