Hi Miroslav,
We're here to help, but can you ask your questions in English please?
Do you need any help with Sales and billing? If so, use the following link: http://avgclick.me/AVGsales to reach our sales support via online chat. Else, let us know how we could assist you further.
89070**** Miroslav Baláž 08901 *****@vl.sk AntiVirus Free |
Zaplatil som 14,99 €.
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Miroslav, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Slovak to English]
I paid 14,99 €
890709016619 Miroslav Baláž 08901 antika@vl.sk AntiVirus Free
I paid 14,99 €.
08901 Svidník
AVG Guru
Hi Miroslav,
We're here to help, but can you ask your questions in English please?
Do you need any help with Sales and billing? If so, use the following link: http://avgclick.me/AVGsales to reach our sales support via online chat. Else, let us know how we could assist you further.