You've reached the AVG community support forum. We'd like to inform you that it's not recommended to use two different antivirus/security software in a computer, as they will cause conflicts over resources. Regrettably, AVG Antivirus/AVG Internet Security will not work alongside a conflicting antivirus software and will go into passive mode. Let us know if you have further queries.
it looks like i have the same issue. Turning AVG off an ZSCLAER is working, turning, no Internet access via ZSCALER. But I need ZSCALER to connect to the company. Can you please also help me and send instructions?
My company just turned on Zscaler for us and now I cannot use it because Zscaler is blocking any traffic no matter what I do. Are there some instructions on how to bypass Zscaler when running Enhanced Firewall on AVG?
Thank you for writing us back T Bone. We've sent you an email with further details. Please check your inbox/spam folders to find the email and use it to get back to us.
You've reached the AVG community support forum. We'd like to inform you that it's not recommended to use two different antivirus/security software in a computer, as they will cause conflicts over resources. Regrettably, AVG Antivirus/AVG Internet Security will not work alongside a conflicting antivirus software and will go into passive mode. Let us know if you have further queries.
Thank you for writing us back T Bone. Please let us know by turning off the Enhanced Firewall does the Zscaler work? To turn off the Enhanced Firewall follow the below instructions.
Well, Zscaler is not doing internet security in this case. It’s connecting this machine to local network resources. Also avg does not go into passive mode because Zscaler is NOT anti virus software.
It's the enhanced firewall feature and one of the default rules that apparently cannot be modified that is blocking zscaler.
Hello John, You've reached the AVG community support forum. I am sorry to hear that you are facing the same issue. We'll certainly look into this and help you. Please write back to us in your own/new post, so that we can locate your account, obtain further details and help you accordingly.