Hello jadwiga,
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nie korzystam z uslug AVG i nie zwrocilam uwagi ,ze nadal jestem na liscie biorcow uslug avg. w 2020 r. zamow. subskrybcje ,AVG tunel ,driver zaplacilam i dzis patrze i mam potracona kwote 149 zl.....i nie wiem dlaczego.Nie wznawialam subskrypcji....Prosze o zwrot kasy.
Hello jadwiga,
We acknowledge your refund request.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
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We do not find any active subscription registered to the email address that you have used to contact us here.
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Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.
We acknowledge your refund request.
AVG support through the Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate this post.
We do not find any active subscription registered to the email address that you have used to contact us here.
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Please check and revert to us.
Thank you.