28 instances of OneClickStarter.exe?

Did as suggested; had to remove and reinstall again as another component didn't install correctly. Finally got an install without any errors, did all the initial scans, and called it a night.
Get home today and checked Task Manager:
20 instances of OneClickStarter.exe

I don't think the reinstall helped, unless 8 fewer instances is a success...

Any other suggestions? At this point I can't get my money back.



Hello Jeremy.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We would request you to uninstall AVG PC Tuneup alone using AVG remover tool and re install it.
To run remover tool, please visit http://www.avg.com/tools#tba2 and click on "AVG Remover" to download the remover tool and run it on your PC. It will ask you to select which product you would like to uninstall. Please select "AVG Performance" and follow the setup instructions to uninstall AVG.
Then open AVG Zen and click on Performance component to re install it. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.

Hi folks!
Just put 'AVG Ultimate' on my XP Pro box, 2 gig RAM last weekend. Since installation, I've noticed a loss of resources and when I check Task Manager, I'll have anywhere from 20 - 30 instances of 'OneClickStarter.exe', with one instance under 'SYSTEM' and the rest under my name. I can go through and "end process" them, but they'll come back.
Tech support tried denying this executable is part of the software, then tried to tell me this software wouldn't run on my XP box. I pointed out the 'minimum' requirements (and that I exceeded them) and then pointed out that in the AVG TuneUp folder the executable was quite prominently there.
Is it normal to have that many instances running? If not, any idea how to get it down to maybe 4 or 5 instances, if not just one? What is this executable tied to?

I've been running Norton for years and decided to switch this year, so I'm facing a steep learning curve at the moment...


Did as suggested; had to remove and reinstall again as another component didn't install correctly. Finally got an install without any errors, did all the initial scans, and called it a night.
Get home today and checked Task Manager:
20 instances of OneClickStarter.exe

I don't think the reinstall helped, unless 8 fewer instances is a success...

Any other suggestions? At this point I can't get my money back.



Hello Jeremy.
We are sorry to hear about the inconvenience caused. We would request you to uninstall AVG PC Tuneup alone using AVG remover tool and re install it.
To run remover tool, please visit http://www.avg.com/tools#tba2 and click on "AVG Remover" to download the remover tool and run it on your PC. It will ask you to select which product you would like to uninstall. Please select "AVG Performance" and follow the setup instructions to uninstall AVG.
Then open AVG Zen and click on Performance component to re install it. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.