Aankoop , buy new product

Patrick, This Community is basically English language… Query translation…
purchase, buy new product
I'm certainly not satisfied with your service !!! 've been a customer of AVG have an order to walk with you, part 702-0237854 / AVG Internet Security 1 PC (2year) /// /// AVG AVG Installation Disc Express and now wanted to order another AVD driver but when clicked for payment allrs was gone ?? now ordered or not ??? do not THINK ABOUT IT ANYWAY YOU DIRNSTEN STOP PUTTING HEAR, there are many other and perhaps better services, regretfully had expected better services
AVG Guru

ik ben zeker niet tevreden over jullie service !!!!  ben al jaren klant van AVG heb een bestelling lopen bij jullie , bestelnr 702-0237854 / AVG Internet Security 1 pc ( 2jaar ) /// AVG installation Disc /// AVG Express en wou nu nog AVD driver bestellen maar bij aanklikken voor de betaling was allrs weg ?? nu besteld of niet ??? denk het niet DENK ER OVER NA JULLIE DIRNSTEN TOCH STOP TE ZETTEN HOOR , er zijn nog vele andere en misschien beter diensten , spijtig had betere diensten verwacht
Patrick, This Community is basically English language.. Query translation....
purchase, buy new product
I'm certainly not satisfied with your service !!!! 've been a customer of AVG have an order to walk with you, part 702-0237854 / AVG Internet Security 1 PC (2year) /// /// AVG AVG Installation Disc Express and now wanted to order another AVD driver but when clicked for payment allrs was gone ?? now ordered or not ??? do not THINK ABOUT IT ANYWAY YOU DIRNSTEN STOP PUTTING HEAR, there are many other and perhaps better services, regretfully had expected better services
AVG Guru
Hello Patrick,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. You can view and manage your AVG subscriptions by logging into your AVG My Account using your registered email address (https://myaccount.avg.com/ww-en/my-account-login). In case if you needed any assistance in purchasing AVG, we suggest you to contact our dedicated 'sales' department. You can contact them via chat by clicking on https://support.avg.com/support_sales_chat .The phone support numbers are United States:+1 844 259 8811, Great Britain: +44 (0) 800 652 4940, Australia:+61 1800 429 319 .Note: Calls from outside the US, UK or AU may be subject to international charges from your telephone provider. Thank you.