Hello Wim,
The support is available only in English.
Please visit https://support.avg.com/ for more help or respond back in English.
Wim, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
renew / uninstall subscription
I have just renewed my subscription, which expires in 60 days. I can not see when this goes. It looks like it's going on now. That does not seem right to me. I have downloaded the program, but can not install it. Why not?
AVG Guru
Ik heb mijn abonnement, dat over 60 dagen verloopt, zojuist verlengd. Ik kan niet zien, wanneer dit ingaat. Het lijkt erop dat he ingaande heden is. Dat lijkt me niet juist. Ik heb het programma gedownload, maar kan het niet installeren. Waarom niet?
Groet, Wim Westhoff
Hello Wim,
The support is available only in English.
Please visit https://support.avg.com/ for more help or respond back in English.
Wim, from the translation provided by Alan, I understand that you are facing installation issue with AVG.
Can you share the (screenshot) of AVG installation error window to assist further.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.
Wim, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
renew / uninstall subscription
I have just renewed my subscription, which expires in 60 days. I can not see when this goes. It looks like it's going on now. That does not seem right to me. I have downloaded the program, but can not install it. Why not?
AVG Guru