Hi Veeramani,
Please inform me what the email address is for the billing team. Thank you for all of your help
I bought AVG 2020 from BestBuy and activated it on one PC#1. Is there a way to add that subscription to my account? Or is it always tied to a non-account subscription code? Thank you!!!
Hi Veeramani!
I would like to register the code with my AVG MyAccount. I purchased this back in July 2020, so it has been active for quite some time, and was recently added to another PC.
When looking at "My Subcriptions", I see no option of adding another code that has already been activated. The only option that I have is to buy a new subscription. I did see where that led me to, which is a screen for selecting and purchasing a subscription. I would like to add my already purchased subscription to my newly created AVG MyAccount. Please advise if there is a way to do that, or if I simply need to wait until the currect subscription expires and then I will purchase a new one through AVG MyAccount > My Subscriptions. Thank you!!!
I would like to register the code with my AVG MyAccount. I purchased this back in July 2020, so it has been active for quite some time, and was recently added to another PC.
When looking at "My Subcriptions", I see no option of adding another code that has already been activated. The only option that I have is to buy a new subscription. I did see where that led me to, which is a screen for selecting and purchasing a subscription. I would like to add my already purchased subscription to my newly created AVG MyAccount. Please advise if there is a way to do that, or if I simply need to wait until the currect subscription expires and then I will purchase a new one through AVG MyAccount > My Subscriptions. Thank you!!!
Hello Andrew,
We will check and help you to clarify it. Do you want to change the email address of AVG subscription? or Do you want to register the new code with your AVG MyAccount?
Could you please explain your request in detail? We look forward for your response.
You are welcome.
Let us know, if you need further help.
Hello Andrew,
We are glad to clarify it. As you purchased the subscription from reseller, the subscription details will not show under AVG MyAccount.
If you want to view the AVG subscription in MyAccount, we would suggest you to reach our billing team. They will help you to view the subscription details inside the AVG Myaccount.
If you have any clarification, please feel free to contact us.
We are glad to clarify it. As you purchased the subscription from reseller, the subscription details will not show under AVG MyAccount.
If you want to view the AVG subscription in MyAccount, we would suggest you to reach our billing team. They will help you to view the subscription details inside the AVG Myaccount.
If you have any clarification, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you Rakshith!!!
Hi Veeramani,
Please inform me what the email address is for the billing team. Thank you for all of your help