Activating Driver Update with licence number

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I've just received my email for renewing my Driver Update with licence number. It says it's automatically renewed but if there is a licence number or key number it has to be activated. I followed the info from the link given in the email for activation but realised I'd clicked on the link for AV Security which I have about six devices or so on it I think

. It accepted the key code but in my list of products it shows my AVG Security as being Activated, which it would be as it's not due yet and the others are shown as being Subscribed, but they aren't due yet except for this Update Driver which is due yesterday Jan 26th 2022. That one is last in the list and it just shows that as being Subscribed, but hasn't done the update yet. I don't know how to finish it off. Also, I haven't affected my AVG Security have I such as paying for it now? I see it says that Driver Update has to be done separately and can't be used with the Multiple Devices as I've got in AVG Security. Also in My Account, it gives a different key code for the Driver Update or is that just the old one? 

Hi. I've just noticed that the new renewal date is there now in My Account, but in the list either there or on the interface, it doesn't say if it is activated. It only says Subscribed in both. Key or licence number must have been OK as it said it was successful, but I could't remmeber how to finish it off which I believe activates it?  Haven't noticed if it has the new licence number in My Account. Were there some final  steps I should have taken to activate it?