Activation code already used

Hi Allen,

We're glad to help you with the activation process.
Upon checking our records, we see that the activation count has reached the maximum limit.
The activation counts even if you reinstall/re-activate the program on the same computer.
We've increased the activation count of the code from our end & it should allow you to activate.
Please try activating the program using the same code & let us know the outcome.

I had AVG Anti Track paid installed on my PC. I removed and reinstalled on the same PC but now cannot activate as it states the activation code has already been used. Is there any way to sort this? 

Hi Allen,

We're glad to help you with the activation process.
Upon checking our records, we see that the activation count has reached the maximum limit.
The activation counts even if you reinstall/re-activate the program on the same computer.
We've increased the activation count of the code from our end & it should allow you to activate.
Please try activating the program using the same code & let us know the outcome.