Activation code

Hi Chris,

We're glad to help you with this.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our live support (chat) & the issue is already forwarded to the concerned team.
They're currently investigating on it. Once they fix the issue, they'll inform you via email. Please wait for an email from them.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!


When entering the license it shows the message
 "Invalid email or password"-

Activation URL:

Thanks in advance.


I have never refused live support (chat).
The worldwide issue with AVG's license registration server occurs since Thursday, August 20th.
It is inexplicable that it is not already fixed.
Very bad technical support, this cannot happen.
I request an urgent solution.

Good evening, Iam still awating an email

Hi Manu,

This isn't the experience we want you to have. 
To locate the account details, write back to us in your own post. 
Note : It isn't recommended to share the account info over this post.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!

Hi Chris,

We're glad to help you with this.
Upon checking our records, we see that you've reached our live support (chat) & the issue is already forwarded to the concerned team.
They're currently investigating on it. Once they fix the issue, they'll inform you via email. Please wait for an email from them.
Thank you for your understanding in advance!