Ang. ny betaling 19/8-18

I Will like to cancel subscription

birgitte baggesgaard

User Marna Hjorthave has provided an English translation ( which has been answered.
AVG Guru

AVG har trukket 549 kr. i dag d. 19/8-2018 gældende et år indtil d. 19/8-2019
men … jeg har opdaget, at det beløb gælder for 2 år, så nu vil jeg have det lavet om 
ellers vil jeg opsige abonnementet og have tilbagebetalt 549 kr.!

AVG ultimate abonnement
Ordrenummer: 51101301800
Licensnummer: GMD24-OP3DR-Y44PE-QK3E7-4Y3DL-IJTJY

Venlig hilsen
Marna hjorthave

User Marna Hjorthave has provided an English translation ( which has been answered.
AVG Guru

I Will like to cancel subscription

birgitte baggesgaard

Hello Birgitte, 
We will help you with it. 
Refer the below article to cancel your AVG Subscription:  
​​​​​​​Let us know if you need further help.