Anti-spam AND anti-virus not working

Hello Robert,

We will help you with necessary information.

How do you suspect that is not working anymore?

Robert, we are sorry to inform that AVG Add-in is removed in the latest version of AVG.

This add-in will no longer be visible in the Outlook.

AVG AntiSpam feature from AVG component will provide complete protection for your emails in Outlook.

Hi, Since a week or so anti-spam and anti-virus stopped working. I have the lastest version of OUtlook 2016 and I have re-installed AVG several tiimes now. Nothing helps.
Is there someone with a good suggestion?
Thanks and regards,

Hi, I have tried that twice now.
All I want is a solution!
Kind regards,
Hello Robert,

We will help you with necessary information.

How do you suspect that is not working anymore?

Robert, we are sorry to inform that AVG Add-in is removed in the latest version of AVG.

This add-in will no longer be visible in the Outlook.

AVG AntiSpam feature from AVG component will provide complete protection for your emails in Outlook.

  1. the anti-spam buttons have disapeard.;
    2. If I change the spam message in ***** SPAM OFZO ***** iI do not see this in the mail mentioned as spam, therefor defender must do it
    3. the anti-virus addin is gone

Thank you for the info. We have checked the case history and request you to reach our technical team again. They will check and escalate it if necessary.