Sorry for the trouble, we recommend you to reset the Antivirus app once and check for the situation. To do so, navigate to the location mentioned below.
Device Menu -> Settings -> Apps/Application Management -> AVG Antivirus -> Tap on clear cache and clear data -> Force stop the app once. Restart your device once again.
If you need any help, we request you to contact our Android mobile support team using this link: link( ) select as Android in OS field, fill out your details and click email option. AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email. Thank you.
"Authorization failed. Sorry" message when endeavoring to add an Android device. Is there only one device allowed to be connected St a time? Quite frustrating after 25 various configuration attempts.
Mark, Please note that AVG Android mobile support is provided through email only.
AVG Guru
Sorry for the trouble, we recommend you to reset the Antivirus app once and check for the situation. To do so, navigate to the location mentioned below.
Device Menu -> Settings -> Apps/Application Management -> AVG Antivirus -> Tap on clear cache and clear data -> Force stop the app once. Restart your device once again.
If you need any help, we request you to contact our Android mobile support team using this link: link( ) select as Android in OS field, fill out your details and click email option. AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email. Thank you.