Hello Cynthia,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. We will certainly look into this and help you. As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.
Thank you for your understanding.
I received a charge on my PayPal account from DigitalRiver US Inc for an automatic renewal of a subscription to an AVG service that I can not find anywhere in my AVG account. I do have one AVG service that renews in Jan. and is auto billed in Dec. but I have no record of any other services from AVG. I contacted DigitalRiver by the phone number in the PayPal receipt and was told I have to contact AVG. After filling out the AVG support email, I received no response. I would love to speak to a human but that was my only option. I filled out the PayPal refund email form to dispute the charge but PayPal denied my request saying that they contacted the merchant and the service was delivered. Too bad nobody can tell me what the service is!! I will be canceling the auto renewal payments and will no longer use any AVG products/services but I do feel I deserve an explanation and/or a refund If you won't let me talk to a human, I'll take my business to someone who will.
Hello Cynthia,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I am sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. We will certainly look into this and help you. As it is not recommended to discuss your order/subscription details over this public post. Hence, we've sent you an email to your registered email address. Please check for the email and revert to us.
Thank you for your understanding.