Hello Josefia. Driver Update program keeps checking for all your drivers and update it regularly. These are done by AVG Driver Updater program too. For your AVG PC TuneUp 1-click maintenance issue please try updating the program once and then try the 1-click maintenance. If the issue persists please do let us know. Thank you.
Hello there,
I clicked AVG 1-Click Maintenance. The process was completed, but then a notice appeared saying "AVG 1-Click Maintenance has stopped working - a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Window will close the program and notify you if a solution is available". Could you please tell me what happened?
I have received offer to buy AVG Driver Updater. Sometime ago I have subscribed Driver Updater with another company due to non availability of such service from AVG. Could you please tell me what is the difference with your service?
I look forward to your reply and thank you
Josefia, AVG Driver Updater.. For your info have a look @ this webpage (http://www.avg.com/ww-en/avg-driver-updater).
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Hello Josefia. Driver Update program keeps checking for all your drivers and update it regularly. These are done by AVG Driver Updater program too. For your AVG PC TuneUp 1-click maintenance issue please try updating the program once and then try the 1-click maintenance. If the issue persists please do let us know. Thank you.