AVG allowing our personal details onto the Dark Webb

I have been astonished to get an email from AVG which says that some of my AVG details have ended up on the Dark Web.
Many organisations and individuals of every conceivable type and form have received such details of mine but they have not allowed them to get onto such a seriously dangerous criminal entity.
The very last organisation I would have expected to fail me on such a thing, the one organisation who asked me to pay them with the promise that them would protect me from this: AVG are the ones who fail me on this?
I cannot believe it.
To say I am disappointed and astonished is an understatement. I am furious.
Given the nature of the service that I AVG promised me if I paid a subscription, this news is beyond incompetence. In fact it is beyond belief.

The fact that AVG have also asked me to renew my subscription is astonishing. 
How could AVG possibly expect me to trust AVG again? 
Before I bought AVG "protection," I had no signs of any kind of hacking attempts.

Hello Alan,

First, we can confirm that the email you received was valid and not a phishing scam.

As part of the MOVEit incident, some customer information, such as name, email address and phone number, was impacted. Our systems are secure and operational, and the cause of this was addressed immediately when the MOVEit incident was discovered. While this information is not considered high risk, we take the safety of our customers extremely seriously. The best way to protect yourself is being vigilant against any potential phishing threats using this.

Should you have questions related to your personal account, you can always reach out to our support team (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en). You can also find more information about the Progress Software MOVEit vulnerability here (https://community.progress.com/s/article/MOVEit-Transfer-Critical-Vulnerability-31May2023).

Hello Alan,

First, we can confirm that the email you received was valid and not a phishing scam.

As part of the MOVEit incident, some customer information, such as name, email address and phone number, was impacted. Our systems are secure and operational, and the cause of this was addressed immediately when the MOVEit incident was discovered. While this information is not considered high risk, we take the safety of our customers extremely seriously. The best way to protect yourself is being vigilant against any potential phishing threats using this.

Should you have questions related to your personal account, you can always reach out to our support team (https://support.avg.com/support_sales?l=en). You can also find more information about the Progress Software MOVEit vulnerability here (https://community.progress.com/s/article/MOVEit-Transfer-Critical-Vulnerability-31May2023).