AVG Antivirus Free : impossible to uninstall

Hello Elodie,

I understand how difficult this is for you. Please use this link https://share.avg.com/steam/PSP/AVG2017/AVG_Clear.exe to download and run AVG Clear tool. This will remove latest version of AVG AntiVirus free completely from your computer.

NOTE: When you are prompted to restart in safe mode, please click on "NO" and continue to uninstall AVG in normal mode

If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact us.


Since a few days AVG Antivirus Free does not run properly (protection disable and impossible to activate).
I would like to uninstall AVG. I tried to run the uninstall set up from Windows Programs configuration panel but I got an error N° 0x0010002.
I also downloaded AVG Remover. I ran it multiple times (with multiple computer restarts) but AVG Antivirus Free is still run on my computer. How to remove it?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Thank you for letting us know. We're glad we were able to put you at ease.
If you need anything else, do not hesitate to let us know.

AVG Clear tool worked perfectly for me. Thank you very much for your help.