AVG Antivirus quit Unexpectedly

I am having the exact same issue. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program but at the last few seconds it quits.

Hello Sean,
We regret for the inconvenience. Could you please send the screenshot of  the scan stucks at the middle so that we can escalate the case to our concern team? Please click on the following link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot to send the screen shot.
Thank you.

I installed AVG yesterday on my Mac Book Air 2016. I ran it three times and each time I got the above message 'AVG Antivirus quit Unexpectedly'. I have tried to uninstall following the steps above but after clicking Uninstall AVG, and entering my password, and clicking OK, nothing happens. I have changed my password and the same thing is happening. please can you help

Avg keeps quitting unexpectedly, it has been doing this for about a month.  It never scans completely, any suggestions? This is on a 2013 Mac Book Pro. It seems to have started after one of the updates was installed. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program but still have the same issue.
Hello Sean,
We regret for the inconvenience. Could you please send the screenshot of  the scan stucks at the middle so that we can escalate the case to our concern team? Please click on the following link http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-create-a-screenshot to send the screen shot.
Thank you.
This is the message that keeps popping up. I am not for sure if it is a mac os problem or AVG.  It works occasionally, but most of the time it just shows the message.  Avg automatically shuts down when it pops up.
Error message

Hi Peter, sorry to hear about the situation.
Please provide me a screenshot of the Interface where your password is not being accepted.

To take a screenshot in MAC, please follow the below instructions :
1. To capture the entire screen, press Command-Shift-3. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop with the filename starting with Picture followed by a number, example Picture 1, Picture 2, and so on.
2. To copy the entire screen, press Command-Control-Shift-3. The screen shot will be placed on your clipboard for you to paste into another program like PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, etc.
For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.

If the issue persists, share screenshot https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361 of that error message and provide us your MAC OS version http://https//support.apple.com/en-us/HT201260 and 
AVG version.  

To find out the version you can follow user manual, part 4.3. Menu in the task bar

Let us know if you face any difficulties.


Sorry for the trouble, we appreciate your efforts in trying to fix the issue. Have you referred the above mentioned articles to uninstall and reinstall your AVG Antivirus?

To uninstall AVG 15 -
Open Finder > Applications > right click on AVG AntiVirus.app > select Show package contents > open Contents folder > double click on Uninstaller.app.

To Uninstall AVG 17
Run uninstallation from /Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/components/uninstall/com.avg.uninstall.app 

To reinstall AVG Antivirus for MAC, refer this article: http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-download-and-install-AVG-AntiVirus-for-Mac and then check with the issue. 

I am having the exact same issue. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program but at the last few seconds it quits.

Hi Sean,

Thank you for providing us the Screenshot, we request you to try to uninstall AVG Anti Virus from you Mac : http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=How-to-uninstall-AVG-AntiVirus-for-Mac and then reinstall it from http://avg.mac.avcdn.net/macosx/avg/avg_antivirus_for_mac_online.dmg and check the issue once. If issue persists, please get back to us and we will assist you further.

Thank you!

I installed AVG yesterday on my Mac Book Air 2016. I ran it three times and each time I got the above message 'AVG Antivirus quit Unexpectedly'. I have tried to uninstall following the steps above but after clicking Uninstall AVG, and entering my password, and clicking OK, nothing happens. I have changed my password and the same thing is happening. please can you help