AVG/Avast failing to detect a serious threat

Hello Zeug.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support. 
Upon checking our threat detection team has already sent an email to your email address.
Please check the email and revert them back for further help.
Thank you.

Hi! It's been almost three days since Avast customer support indicated that the malware I uploaded is indeed a malware, but it's still not being detected by your products. Looks like a major hole in AVG/Avast protection to me... Ordinary users are not supposed to be hunting for malware, and to be doing your job for you, guys. There's no other explanation for this ridiculous situation, unless someone on the inside in AVG/Avast doesn't want this particular malware to be detected.  https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1fbe885c0747a5735dce3ace377e26521dd11f981e5eda8050a6e8ce5ebc20e4?nocache=1

Hello Zeug.
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support. 
Upon checking our threat detection team has already sent an email to your email address.
Please check the email and revert them back for further help.
Thank you.