We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. Is it a free version of AVG you are using? Please let us know whether it is a 2016 version or a 2017 version of AVG installed on your PC to assist you further.
Hi there, yes I have turned AVG off and still no email through to outlook. Though can still send them & can only access them through Yahoo/Xtra mails server.
Any suggestions?
I believe AVG is blocking my incoming emails. I have an older 32 bit computer still running XP & are using older apps, such as: Outlook 2003. Everything was working fineall of last week then two days later. Both my computers are running upto date AVG & have different email addresses. Both are failing to down load emails from server at Yahoo/Xtra in New Zealand. The only udates recently were AVG as the other apps are not supported anymore. Can anyone help, I have already used the detect & repair from Outlook pro. Still get the 0x800ccc0f fault imediately after hitting send & receive. Many thanks Craig
Hi there,
I have turned AVG off & still can't download emails to Outlook.
I can send as advised & can access them from the Yahoo/Xtra server.
Any suggestions?
Hello Craig,
Since the issue persists even after disabling the AVG program there might be certain issues with the setting's of the outlook. We kindly request you to follow the instructions on the article and check if it helps.
Thank you.
Hi there,
Yes have turned off AVG & Outlook is still not down loading emails. Can still send & can still access them from Yahoo/Xtra mail server.
Any suggestions?
Hello Craig,
Thank you for the confirmation. We would request you to check whether you are able to access your emails while AVG in disabled mode.
Please left click AVG icon on your notification bar and try to click on protection off.
Let us know the status, once you had done this.
Thank you.
Hi, it is the free version & not sure what version. It should be the latest as we alway keep it upto date.
It does say version number: 16.141.7998?
We regret to hear about the inconvenience caused. Is it a free version of AVG you are using? Please let us know whether it is a 2016 version or a 2017 version of AVG installed on your PC to assist you further.