AVG causing timeout on a ssl connection (cert not trusted, access by IP)

Hello Marcus, 

Thank you for reaching AVG support channel. We really appreciate your efforts as you explained the issue clearly. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We understand that you are getting SSL error and unable to access printer when AVG Anti-virus program is active.  We will check and glad to help you.

We Would like to inform you that its not an expected behaviour AVG. We request you to repair AVG Anti-virus once and check the status. 

Refer the below article to know how to repair it :

Repairing AVG AntiVirus 

You can try to repair the program and check it. Do you have any other AVG program installed in your device? If you get any block message (or) notification from AVG program, kindly share us the screenshot of it.

You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.

Not sure if it is the correct "category" for the forums/community. (A moderator can change it if needed.) I am using AVG AntiVirus Free. The live / real time protection seems to cause some issus with SSL connections.

I have noticed for my self-signed certificate (with own CA imported in Firefox) that at the URL my router is accessible without problems. When accessing it by IP (though the IP is included in the certificate as well) the browser throws a warning. AVG seems to modify the certificate, the issuer part: "generated by AVG Antivirus for untrusted server certificates" and "AVG Web/Mail Shield Untrusted Root" so it won't correctly refer to my own trusted CA anymore.

When disabling the live protection this works again - browser not even complaining. (Which is the correct thing imo. That is why I did it with an own CA - not just a self-signed cert with permanent exception.)

For my printer from HP for the web interface it seems that with the self-signed certificate of the printer ... AVG completely blocked (with no warning/notification) the connection. (I could not even proceed to the page where I can add exceptions. The connection just times out.) When disabling live protection I get normally to the page where I can add an exception.

Adding an own cert with my trusted (imported) own CA to the printer ... fixes the timeout issue. Though - when accessing it at the IP (has no internal domain name) the same issue as described above (with the router) happens. Browser complains but I can add an exception. With disabled live protection no problems - browser does not complain.

Not sure why for the same cert (router case where I tested it) for access by URL and by IP ... it behaves differently ... where AVG modifies ther cert while accessing it at the URL gives no problems. I mean the "common name" is even the IP (and should work "better") the URLs as DNS name in the alternative names. Weird ...

I have described the problem here as well:
(Since some printer users might be affected. Not sure if the other people with same issue I found ... use AVG as well or if their problem has another source. Maybe other AV software acts the same though.)

Hello Marcus, 

Thank you for reaching AVG support channel. We really appreciate your efforts as you explained the issue clearly. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We understand that you are getting SSL error and unable to access printer when AVG Anti-virus program is active.  We will check and glad to help you.

We Would like to inform you that its not an expected behaviour AVG. We request you to repair AVG Anti-virus once and check the status. 

Refer the below article to know how to repair it :

Repairing AVG AntiVirus 

You can try to repair the program and check it. Do you have any other AVG program installed in your device? If you get any block message (or) notification from AVG program, kindly share us the screenshot of it.

You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on Answer & then click on the Image [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. Thanks in advance.