I found out that AVG firewall interfered (which is set to ask mode) with edge and outlook outbound connectivity after I switched to smart mode and disabled AVG firewall, no notification displayed here, both apps became accessible to internet fast not slow. I have already tried to recreate the allow permission for both apps but still same issue, also tried several times reinstall edge and outlook and reset them but still same issue, virus definitions and AVG AntiVirus application version are up to date, please advice on how to make them work on ask mode instead of smart mode?
I am getting the same isue as Abdullah with respect to Microsoft Edge. With AVG Firewall turned ON, there is a noticeable delay when starting up Microsoft Edge. The problem goes away when Firewall is turned off. Please forward to the development team. Thank you.
I’m experiencing an issue with AVG Enhanced Firewall (Firewall is set to Ask Mode) that’s affecting Microsoft Edge and Outlook. Despite setting up firewall rules that explicitly allow both applications to connect to the internet, they are very slow to load as expected. I’ve tried deleting and recreating the rules, but the problem persists, unlike with Smart Mode which works fine and fast, it appears that AVG Enhanced Firewall is somehow delaying the network connections for Edge and Outlook, Other browsers and applications remain unaffected and load normally & fast. Any suggestions for resolving this without disabling the firewall entirely? is it have to do with default predefined network rules and priorities rules?
From a security perspective Firewall's smart mode is not recommended, any application digitally signed will be allowed automaticaly without showing a notification which application tring to connect to internet, there are some malicious application signed as a digital signed verfied. So since AVG have Ask mode option, it should work no problem with any app tries to connect outgoing but execpt Edge and outlook app, other browser app firefox and brave works perfetly fine and fast, I think this is a flaw functionality with AVG Firewall. Note that first time I installed AVG internet security, I changed firewall setting from smart mode to ask mode, the this issue happened with edge and outlook, while other apps once want to connect outbound a notification display showed up and I allow it, the app connect to internet with no problem. I have tried your advice on repairing AVG AntiVirus one time by following the above steps but still same issue.