AVG firewall blocking blackberry tablet via usb and only solution i can find is to switch it off, however this is not a long term solution. whitelist does not work either

Thanks for the reply Alan, as for your first reply, have spent over and hour trying to sort it out with tech and about a day alone, but with no luck. Also got rather excited when I saw your second posting, but Firewall is already ticked to allow vpn traffic, so afraid thats not the answer. All related software linked to BB is allowed, but still blocks it. Pulling my hair out over this one.

Hi Michael,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.

I have a new pc that no matter what, would not mount my blackberry playbook tablet via usb, after hours I found out the problem is AVG Firewall. First option I tried was to diable AVG firewall and use windows forewall, however it would not allow this. Second option was to try whitelist the tablet ip, however your instructions on your support pages are vague and never worked. The only option I have is to switch off my firewall which I do not like having to do. The only solution I can find on the web is to delete avg internet protection and to use the free version of your software. This I find rather strange that I can get better software free than what i currently pay for. Please please find me a solution and walkthrough that actually works rather than some vague instruction on your support pages.

Michael, Also for info in update release notes for IS version 5557 this Fix & Improvement appeared 'BlackBerry BBLink devices now supported using Firewall settings/Advanced settings/Allow VPN traffic. No user created rules needed'.
AVG Guru

Thanks for the reply Alan, as for your first reply, have spent over and hour trying to sort it out with tech and about a day alone, but with no luck. Also got rather excited when I saw your second posting, but Firewall is already ticked to allow vpn traffic, so afraid thats not the answer. All related software linked to BB is allowed, but still blocks it. Pulling my hair out over this one.

Hi Michael,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output (gather it right after inducing issue) using this tool and please add detailed description of issue.