AVG Firewall Problem

Hello Robin,
We regret for the inconvenience caused. Please update your program to the latest version and check whether it resolves the issue. Please follow the instructions on the article http://avgclick.me/UpdateAVG to update the AVG program.
Thank you.

Firewall is blocking IE 11 even though it is allowed in settings

That didnt work sorry. Its harder for me as I am blind, Thing is my screen reader says CANCELLED when I try to start IE11.
Am thinking a complete reinstall may sort it perhaps.

Sadly it didnt work. I updated but still cant start IE 11

I just temporarliy disabled AVG. I then started IE11. An AVG pop up came up asking for permisioin to run IE11. I clicked Allow and it seems fine nopw.

Many thanks,

Hello Robin,
We are sorry to hear that. Please try to add the Internet explorer program to the exception list and check whether you could able to access the Internet explorer. Please follow the instructions on the article http://avgclick.me/AddException to add the program to the exception list.
Thank you.