I am an experienced user (desktop app programmer + microcontroller firmware developer) using computers from early 80s, accessing BBS boards, news groups & forums since the time of home made modems and I am certainly familiar with netiquette. The reason why the post appeared twice is:
Upon creating the account I posted the message and there was a message: 'You do not have sufficient privileges'. I checked and the post did not show among the community posts and I saw a message: 'Log in to AVG My Account' at the top of the page so I logged in once again, posted the same message again and I got: 'You do not sufficient privileges' message one more time.
Only then the first post showed among the messages and later on, the second post showed as well.
So, if the message was: 'You have insufficient privileges, please do not post again - your post will be shown after administrator's moderation', and if your forum engine would correctly show the user is already logged in - then people wouldn't post their messages twice. As you can see I am not the only one who posted the same message twice, some other users obviously had exactly the same problem with the forum as I. In fact, the status at the top of the page says: 'Log in to AVG My Account', even now!! And I am sure already logged in.
So in the future please refrain from accusing the users for sending the posts twice deliberately. What could I have achieved by sending the same message twice in a few minutes - on purpose??
Instead, test your forum engine and report the problems to the developers. The engine not only works incorrectly but has a poor performance. After loading just a few pages of community questions the page slows down FireFox browser up to the degree when it is impossible to browse through older posts. The search engine does not find my posts even if the search string is the exact subject of my question and I don't see an option to list the question(s) I wrote. Most of the time I have 30+ tabs opened in my browser without any slow-downs but after hitting 'Load more questions' button just a few times it is impossible to browse the page because of a significant slow down. When I tried to find my other copy of this very post (where I got answers, the last one is from you) I had only two options - finding the link in my browser's history or using the link you posted above.
I am an experienced user (desktop app programmer + microcontroller firmware developer) using computers from early 80s, accessing BBS boards, news groups & forums since the time of home made modems and I am certainly familiar with netiquette. The reason why the post appeared twice is:
Upon creating the account I posted the message and there was a message: 'You do not have sufficient privileges'. I checked and the post did not show among the community posts and I saw a message: 'Log in to AVG My Account' at the top of the page so I logged in once again, posted the same message again and I got: 'You do not sufficient privileges' message one more time.
Only then the first post showed among the messages and later on, the second post showed as well.
So, if the message was: 'You have insufficient privileges, please do not post again - your post will be shown after administrator's moderation', and if your forum engine would correctly show the user is already logged in - then people wouldn't post their messages twice. As you can see I am not the only one who posted the same message twice, some other users obviously had exactly the same problem with the forum as I. In fact, the status at the top of the page says: 'Log in to AVG My Account', even now!! And I am sure already logged in.
So in the future please refrain from accusing the users for sending the posts twice deliberately. What could I have achieved by sending the same message twice in a few minutes - on purpose??
Instead, test your forum engine and report the problems to the developers. The engine not only works incorrectly but has a poor performance. After loading just a few pages of community questions the page slows down FireFox browser up to the degree when it is impossible to browse through older posts. The search engine does not find my posts even if the search string is the exact subject of my question and I don't see an option to list the question(s) I wrote. Most of the time I have 30+ tabs opened in my browser without any slow-downs but after hitting 'Load more questions' button just a few times it is impossible to browse the page because of a significant slow down. When I tried to find my other copy of this very post (where I got answers, the last one is from you) I had only two options - finding the link in my browser's history or using the link you posted above.
Name, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DbxnAAC).
AVG Guru
Name, Repeat postings… Personally, on my system, I haven't seen what you're alluding to. I'm not an AVG employee. This AVG feedback link is available (link removed).
AVG Guru
Well, as you can see - others have the same issue resulting with their posts appearing twice. You warned this user today:
AVG Pro trial has expired | AVG
And the reason why he posted twice is probaby the same as I explained - he got a message saying:
<start copy/paste>
Insufficient Privileges
You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary. For more information, see Insufficient Privileges Errors <– this was link
<end copy/paste>
and at the same time his status was: ''Log in to AVG My Account', so he probably thought he wasn't logged (although he was) so he logged in one more time and posted the same message again - the only logical action in such a situation.
If you scroll a bit futher down the questions you will see another duplicate thread with subject 'Updates':
Updates | AVG
And you warned that user as well - although the problem is with the forum engine and not with the users.
Do you think everybody wants to send a message twice?
Try to create a new account and then to post some test message and you will experience the same problem as all other new users - then you will understand why people are sending messages twice.
Name, In future please refrain from carrying out multiple topic postings on the same subject! You won't obtain an answer to your query any faster!. Also please try to keep the whole conversation in one question/thread to speed up any resolution. Please see your other posting (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DbxnAAC).
AVG Guru