AVG Free offline install

Sure, Daniyar.

Please uninstall AVG 9 veresion and use this https://install.avcdn.net/avg/iavs9x-xp/avg_internet_security_setup_offline.exe link to download offline installation of AVG Antivirus 18.8 for Windows XP/Vista.

Let us know if you need further help.

I downloaded the file from that linkm but when attempting to install, received the message, "<filename> is not a valid Win32 application"AVG Offline error message
The same file run from a Windows 7 installation works perfectly, so there's no issue of corruption. Is there an offline installer that will run under XP?


I downloaded the AVG WinXP off-line installer using
(per Ranjani Bakthavachalam (Avast) post 2019/07/05, and
several others in this thread).

When I ran the installer, several popups said "The software
you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testing to
verify its compatibility with Windows XP."  After finishing
the installation, I had a FULL version of AVG (not the
reduced WinXP version), and my system was damaged (e.g. one
Service name was changed!).

After uninstalling and cleaning up the mess that was left,
I tried downloading and installing again with the same

When I used the on-line AVG WinXP installer
avg_antivirus_free_setup.exe, it worked properly.

Where can I get an off-line AVG installer for WinXP?

I have an issue with AVG Installation for Windows XP Offline computer. 
Could you please provide valid link for .exe file? 

Hello Andy,

I will help you with the necessary information.

Click on this link https://www.avg.com/en-us/installation-files-prd-gsr-free to install the offline installer of AVG AntiVirus free.

This will not show the option to 64 or 32 bit version, depending on your computer it will install the correct version automatically.
1.  Conflict with what???
2.  I cannot "continue use AVG Internet Security you
have downloaded through offline installer" - it does
not work in XP.  PLEASE read my last post.
AVG internet security main screen
Sorry, I don't seem to be able to upload the images

I have managed to install AVG Antivirus 9.0.851 on Windows XP. 

but my database is outdated. 

Can you provide link for appropriate virus definition update for it. 

I appreciate your efforts and thank you sharing the screenshots, Tim.

We are glad to know that you installed AVG with the link provided.

1. The offline installer link provided is to install AVG Internet Security. 

Since you have multiple issues in your AVG application, we request you to click on the below link to get in touch with our live chat support and provide the case number 07409615 to our associates. They can take remote access of your PC and check the AVG program and resolve your concerns. 

Kurt, I will help you with the necessary information.

The latest version of AVG will not work for Windows XP and Vista computers.

We do have a separate link for these operating systems.

Click on this link https://install.avcdn.net/avg/iavs9x-xp/avg_internet_security_setup_offline.exe to download the offline installer of AVG for Windows XP and Vista computers.

If you face any difficulties, please let us know and we will assist you further.

We appreciate your efforts in sharing us the screenshots, which provided a better clarity, Tim.  Let us attempt to clarify this for you.
Upon checking the screenshots & the info you've provided, we see that the expiry date is incorrect, remove license option provides an error & the required components (Computer, Web & Email) is not enabled. 
In this regard, we'd suggest you to perform a clean installation. To use the AVG Clear, you can follow the steps in this article & reinstall the program using the link that you've got. 

I am sorry, AVG Antivirus 9 is the very oldest version. Could you confirm the version of AVG you have installed? 
The latest version for Windows XP should be 18.8.


Unfortunately, we do not have a separate link to download offline installation file of 64 or 32 bit version. It is automated depends on the version you installed.

Yes. I installed 9.1.851 version for Windows Xp. 

Could you provide link for offline installation 18.8 version  for Windows XP?

I downloaded the file from that linkm but when attempting to install, received the message, "<filename> is not a valid Win32 application"AVG Offline error message
The same file run from a Windows 7 installation works perfectly, so there's no issue of corruption. Is there an offline installer that will run under XP?



Thanks Karthikeyan

I suspected this may be the case. Is there another link I could use to get to a page where I can select either the 64 or 32 bit version directly - like there used to be ?

Note that I want to download the 64 bit version for a new PC that I will be building soon but as I will be downloading the AVG Free offline installer from a Windows XP PC I will be directed to the 32 bit version instead.


Karthikeyan -

Thanks - that one worked perfectly. I appreciate your help.


There might have conflict occured, so you had issues. Please continue use AVG Internet Security you have downloaded through offline installer. If you face any issues, please let us know.

Hi, conflict might have happened with Windows which would caused the PC to crash.
This https://install.avcdn.net/avg/iavs9x-xp/avg_internet_security_setup_offline.exe link is the one to be used for Windows XP and Vista.
It should work without any issues.
Could you try the installation one more time?
If the same error appears, share the screenshot of it here.
You can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions.