Hello Drew,
We understand that you are unable to unlock your phone. In this case, we suggest you to sign in to your AVG MyAccount from this link http://www.avgmobilation.com/ and unlock the phone. Please click on this link for the steps to unlock your phone http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Unlock-a-device-locked-by-AVG-AntiVirus-for-Android.
Thank you.
they told me to email use as on facebook its only software issues ... which is rubbish all i want is avg removed from my phone and from this day on i will campaign to get rid of avg from every persons phone as use have been useless and left me stranded in india with loads of problems ... which can easily be sorted by giving me my phone back !!! ... i CAN NOT SWITCH IT ON OR OFF .. I CANNOT TYPE A PASSWORD IN .. I CAN NOT CONTINUE WITH MY HOLIDAY UNTILL THIS IS SORTED !! im asking use now to contact my mobile phone company which is 3 uk ... and understand im on holiday so i need my phone if there is a brain cell among avg staff that will be understandable !!!
i was reasurede after calling use on tuesdaythat it would be fixed by now but the only way to get my phone back seems to be jail breaking it !! however i have been volenteering at a wild life sanctuary in thialand and i have lots of photos looking after injured animals if i have to lose them i will start a campaing agaist AVG as well as contacting my legal advice as i have stated in every email the phone is not stolen or lost or missing and can not be switched on or off and is blocked by theavg scrren which recommends putting original sim into which has been tried .................. i will spend money again phoning use !! as long as you remove your software from my phone otherwise its a total mistake for anyone in any countryto install avg as i have other anti virus which has not been a problem
please respond soon as im sick of going to internet cafe to deal with this issuie as any body would be while on holiday
regard s
Drew, Please note that this Community deals mainly with the technical queries regarding AVG Windows products. AVG Android support is provided through email only. Please click on the following link (http://avgclick.me/AVGtechnical) and fill out your details, select as Android then the name of AVG Program that you installed in your mobile and in description please completely explain about your issue and finally click on Email option. Also when filling out your details choose Yes for the Question "Are you currently using any paid/trial AVG products?" even though you may be using the Free version and fill out necessary details and click on Email option. The AVG mobile team will reply back to you via email with a resolution.
AVG Guru
We understand that you are unable to unlock your phone. In this case, we suggest you to sign in to your AVG MyAccount from this link http://www.avgmobilation.com/ and unlock the phone. Please click on this link for the steps to unlock your phone http://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=Unlock-a-device-locked-by-AVG-AntiVirus-for-Android.
Thank you.
hi yes it would be helpful if any action at all was possible on my phone !! i have tried putting my original sim card back into phone but its completely locked up and frozen so unless use remove thesoftware then aint nothing i can DO !!