and ive done this, and deselected the "automatic profileswitching"
then the program updates comes in and seems to change ot to default?
im sorry for the frustration in my origonal post, none the less, frustrating lol
pc1 - cnc application,
the system has 2 nic cards , one for ethernet, the other set up as a direct connection to the CNC mill,
pc1 forgets these settigns, and the firewall also blocks the "job name server" application we use to send G-code to the mill, and it works if i turn off the firewall, casueing the end user alarm becasue of the red flags and warning messages, i have them both set to private, this pc also has shared mapped folders with the synology NAS we have, the firewall blocks the synology assistant from seeing the server to connect, it will let me dial in the browser, but the end user needs a GUI for this for there admin responcabilitys.....
also now there is a new V3 HP print driver i need to install, that also does the same thing, it wont allow the printer to populate on the list, i can dial it directly, but after install, it says the printer is offline and doesnt allow me to use it *(yes, even if its set to use printer offline)
but it lets me do any of these fetures when the firewall is disabled
pc2 and goes for the ther systems here, minus the CNC the rest of the systems experence this ,
i was able to get some thigns to work by disableing the firewall, mapping the connections, and then adding them as an exclusion, and turning it on aegain, but this doesnt work for the server conectivity, nor does it work for the printer issue,
i really dont want to just uninstall the firewall alltogeather, but i do have a sophos firewall befoe my switches, so im at a quandry as to if i actually need the avg firewall, i would like it as pice of mind that infections couldent spread as easy locally in my intranet lol
so ive tryed to exclude where the program files are located for the synology assistant, and for the hp installer, i cant see a way to allow these connections tho,
they simply just dont see there devices, unless the firewall is off, and we need/ want this option,
its not really a user workaround thing , i want to make these things work correctly and make schesual a backup of each system after, these settings haev been anightmare and have halted the deployment of our synology nas, and other tasks putting me way behind schesual with other tasks here,
and its like i get things to work for a few days or whatever the intreval is, and then the settings default aegain, or a update comes in weather its wondows updates or the avg program updates, it ends up changing this, it just doesnt work and then i have to deselect soemthign reselct it and it works aegain,
like the profile switching thing for the cnc connection , and often times the firewall gets turned back on automatticly after a restart or something to that effect, and i have to troubleshoot it aegain,
its quite frustrating, and aegain i appologize for my level of frustration in the first email, i thank you for your responce reguardless lol,
is there any advanced way to block and or exclude connections and applications inthe avg firewall as to just leave these tasks alone with a vito ? lol thank you