AVG Internet Security on certain downloads just quits, red lights, nothing active etc. It happens about once a month. I have to uninstall it using revo cause the uninstaller from AVG goes halfway and quits, Then I have to reinstall it. Its a pain

Hi John,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool (http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_SysInfo.exe) and please add detailed description of issue.

Have a paid version of AVG internet security and about once every month, on certain downloads it goes bonkers, red on the icons saying it is not active , I waited 10 minutes figuring it might be a program update but to no avail. Used AVG uninstaller to try to unstall it but it only went about half way then quit. Tried this twice, got sick of it and used REVO to uninstall it. Got rid of everything. Reinstalled using a copy of the program on my computer, all it wanted to do was give me a list of what to do, stupid cause non of it said to reinstall. Tried it 3 times, same answer, finally got sick of it and clicked the repair tab but I have already uninstalled it and it was in trash bin. Well, it took quite a while for the repair to work as I guess it downloaded the whole program. Anyway it installed correctly but took a very long time to update which I was thinking its going to screw up again. It updated after  waiting 10 minutes. I can tell when its going to screw up as the percent downloaded updates goes 50 percent, 51 52 55 60 percent, then 50 percent again and goes up slowly. I have version 2014.0.4744, is this the latest version cause its the one that repair replaced.

Hi John,
In order to analyze it please provide us with diagnostic output using this tool (http://download.avg.com/filedir/util/AVG_SysInfo.exe) and please add detailed description of issue.

John Demnyan quote 'I have version 2014.0.4744, is this the latest version'…
John, Yes (http://www.avg.com/download.prd-isc). Re official AVG Community Support expert assistance… They will attend to your posting @ their earliest convenience but please bear in mind it's now the weekend (http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-forums?sec=thread&act=show&id=190509) in Brno, Czech Rep… If you don't want to wait… Telephone support…
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