AVG Internet security

Hello B. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We were under scheduled maintenance for your technical support team and that is the reason we couldn't respond to our customers quickly. Now we are done with our maintenance and you can contact us 24/7. Please have a look at this link: http://avgread.me/1FQ12oe to get our support links and phone numbers. I can see that you have watch dog issue which occurs when you already installed any third party software. Have you installed any third party software like MacAfee, Norton etc? If so please uninstall that completely and reinstall the AVG Internet security. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.

Yesterday I bought AVG Internet security and I tried to download but I got an setup failure, so I tried it today again but again the same setup failure. Pls. see below the failure.
Wachten op het starten van de service watchdog mislukt
Ernst : Fout
Foutcode; 0xC0070643
Foutmelding: Algemene interne fout.
Aanvullend bericht: MSI-engine: Installatie van product is mislukt
Wachten op starten van service watchdog mislukt(0xC0070426)
Context: AVG productinstallatie, MSI actie mislukt

So pls come back to me what I have to do to install AVG Internet security, because I already paid for it and I also tried to connect with a technical support of AVG but I don't get any contact with them. So maybe someone can help me with this case.


Hello B. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We were under scheduled maintenance for your technical support team and that is the reason we couldn't respond to our customers quickly. Now we are done with our maintenance and you can contact us 24/7. Please have a look at this link: http://avgread.me/1FQ12oe to get our support links and phone numbers. I can see that you have watch dog issue which occurs when you already installed any third party software. Have you installed any third party software like MacAfee, Norton etc? If so please uninstall that completely and reinstall the AVG Internet security. Please feel free to contact us for further assistance. Thank you.