AVG Make Some Error When Shutdown

Hello Erick,

I understand the situation. I would request you to uninstall AVG and try to shut down your PC. If it doesn't take long time, please contact us to assist further.

I have a problem, when shuting down my PC the loading in shut down windows became really long when I try to check the problem in event viewer there is some error from AVG. So itry to uninstall AVG then install it back to solve the problem, already using AVG cleaner for uninstalling then I install AVG back. But the problem still happen.

When shutdown the loading still long and when I check in the event viewer, error from AVG still there. It never happen before. What the cause of this and how to solve this ?

Hello Erick,

I understand the situation. I would request you to uninstall AVG and try to shut down your PC. If it doesn't take long time, please contact us to assist further.

No email yet, still waiting

What the cause of this and how to solve it ? I really hope for fast respon please

I don't receive your email yet, could you send it again ??

Already tried that, and after uninstall AVG try to shut down my PC and it doesn't take long time but after install AVG back the shut down take long time again

This is the error from event viewer  "The AVG Service service did not shut down properly after receiving a pre shutdown control"

When I install AVG I already update virus definition and program version but it still happen, this is avg antivirus free by the way

Erick, I have sent the email to your registered email address. Please check it.