AVG not starting

None of this is working.
AVG Clear is a Windows app and I am on a Mac.
AVG will not start for me to do the direct uninstall.
I tried the Terminal option and got a file not found error.

I recently purchased a new laptop and migrated my old computer to it.  When I try to start AVG nothing happens.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled, but nothing.

I have tried deleting multiple ways including drag and drop.Error message on uninstall

Alright, we have to escalate this case to our senior team to help you in resolving it.

Please share us the screenshot of the "file not found" error message to further proceed with this case.

Also let us know if you have tried deleting the application using Drag and Delete feature.

None of this is working.
AVG Clear is a Windows app and I am on a Mac.
AVG will not start for me to do the direct uninstall.
I tried the Terminal option and got a file not found error.

Thank you so much for providing us the screenshot.

Let me escalate the case to our senior team to analyse the case and to help you in resolving it.

Our senior team will get in touch with you through email as soon as possible providing you the resolution for this issue.