Avg not working in Mac OS Big One

Hello again:
I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, but I've been away for a few days.
YES, I tried reinstalling AVG VPN again from a previous backup and it doesn't work.
It seems that it is open but nothing can be seen and the situation  on real of your VPN cannot be known. I think an installer package is needed.
I download the test package from the AVG website and download the following items:
avg_secure_vpn_setup. exe 21.9 MB
avg_secure.dmg 3.6 MB
and this installer seems to work in BIG SUR because it opens the app and shows it on the screen.
I don't know if it works well because it requires you to make a new subscription.
Further,  I had to completely  delete them from my download folder because it always opens when I call avg aplication when I was doing tests.        
It does not give you the option to enter with your previous license or I don´t know how to do it.
Consequently, I need you send me  the license installation package again to me because I lost mine  with the migration from Catalina to BIG SUR.
If the VPN does not work in BIG SUR you must cancel my subscription.

Hello Francisco,

I will help you with the necessary information.

On 24 March 2020, Apple released version 10.15.4 of Catalina to macOS users. This update contains a check of kernel extensions on your Mac. If an application with kernel extensions is detected, macOS displays a notification about legacy system extensions. Click OK to close the notification. Your AVG product will continue to work as normal.

AVG AntiVirus currently use kernel extensions to provide real-time protection for your Mac. We are aware that the Apple guidelines for software developers are changing and we are actively working to improve our products so that they are fully compliant with the upcoming changes. Our transition from kernel extensions to Endpoint Security and Network Extension frameworks is expected to be ready in time for the next major macOS release.

You can check this link https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=AVG-Mac-Legacy-System-Extensions for more information on this issue.

Santhosh (Customer Support) replied to your question at 5:48 PM on 4/24/2020.

Original question:

When I start my PC currently with OSCatalina Ver. 10.15.4 it randomly warns me that there is some software loaded "SYSTEM EXTENSION SIGNED BY AVG" WHICH WILL BE INCOMPATIBLE WHICH A FUTURE VERSION OF MACOS.

It asks me to contact the developer for support on the matter.

The following system extension is loaded on my PC:

1) avg_mac_security-online.dmg 21.5 MG 03/04/20

2) avg_mac_all_2015-4816-121.dmg. 220.1 MG


3) avg_securevpn.dmg 3.9 MG 09/23/19


Please tell me which one should I keep and what should I do about it

Hi Francisco,

Reply from AVG Support Community  on   24/04/2020

We understand your concern.

AVG AntiVirus and AVG Internet Security for Mac currently use kernel extensions to provide real-time protection for your Mac. We are aware that the Apple guidelines for software developers are changing and we are actively working to improve our products so that they are fully compliant with the upcoming changes. Our transition from kernel extensions to Endpoint Security and Network Extension frameworks is expected to be ready in time for the next major macOS release.

For more details about legacy system extensions, refer to the following announcement from Apple

My  last answer on 22/11/2020

I just switched my software to Appel's "Big One" operating system and lost the VPN app subscribed to Vdes on  09/14/20.
Before, with the Catalina software, they already told me that randomly there could be some software loaded "SYSTEM EXTENSION SIGNED BY ¨AVG" WHICH WILL BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH A FUTURE VERSION OF MACOS.
It was asking me to contact the developer for help with this.
This I already did in previous posts down,.
Well, the problem is already here.
The application I renewed does not work with this software that I bought from you on 09/14/20 with the order 234569832139, your invoice ¨AVG Secure VPN for Mac:
1 year subscription, 1 Mac, billed annually
License number: RVJSRU-JSVD52-5547UN
The only thing that works is a MAC application that I downloaded from the Internet when I wanted to update. This is only as a trial for a few days and it  asked me  to subscribe again.
So,  I want you to tell me what can I do, if you update my subscription to this Mac software, I can remove all the old stuff and install the updated software you send me. Otherwise, they must cancel my subscription and return the aliquot part of it used (only two months)
Pending your news about it

I got  an  autoreply from AVG saying that was the  wrong way, as you can see.
I don't know where to get  help in this case.
Pleas help me
Sorry, I made an unfortuate mistake in my previus answer to Karthikeyan:
You must read Big Sur instead of Big One
I´m so sorry

AVG support through Community channel is available only in English.
You can make use of Google Translator ( https://translate.google.com /) to translate our replies & reply in your language.

Thank you for the information.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

We have offered our additional support through email. Please check for the email and connect back to us as soon as possible.

Me expresaré en español porque con inglés no consigo hacerme entender. Pienso que ustedes están capacitados para entenderlo.
He probado con la ultima versión de VPN que tenía antes de migrar a OsBIG SUR y no funciona, he probado con distintas versiones anteriores guardadas como copia de seguridad y tampoco funciona.
SIEMPRE, SIEMPRE, SIEMPRE y  hagas lo que hagas solo se abre la aplicación de pruebas pues es la unica que tiene un paquete de instalación con la consiguiente invitación a pagar de nuevo por el mismo producto.
En la pantalla de esta aplicación NO APARECE NINGUNA OPCION A HACER LOGIN en su equina superior derecha, es identica a la de siempre pero sin la opción de login.
Y esto es igual si llamas a la aplicación desde copias anteriores, la webYour activation method:'  como me indican.Creo que hay en su aplicación un encaminamiento total hacia la pagina de prueba.
Con una versión muy antigua de la VPN si logré abrirla para hacer LOGIN , pero es tan antigua que ya no recordaba los codigos de login con los que se abría y no pude seguir.
Al final he borrado completamente todas las referencias a la VPN de AVG y estoy pensando en desistir de obtenerla de nuevo.
Como puede ser que yo sea incapaz de reinstalar de nuevo su VPN a partir de lo que ya tenía anteriormente (creo que tengo dañadas todas las referencia anteriores de  AVG VPN ) o hay algo en la web de vdes, que siempre carga lo mismo hagas lo que hagas.  Les solicito me envien un paquete nuevo de instalación para mi mac - ya que tengo una licencia valida de esa compañía - o indicarme como obtenerla de una forma segura y completa pero no basándome en mis anteriores descargas de su VPN por los dañadas que puedan estar.
Perdonen las molestias.

Hello Karthikeyan:

Thank you for your answer, what you tell me … I already knew.
The problem is that the VPN - AVG on my mac does not work now after migrating to OS Big One. This is the major macOS release for now.
Trying to open the VPN from Applications or Menu does not work well for me. The VPN application does not appear so that I can see what situation the VPN is in and where I am connected or if it is working well for me. It seems to be hidden and does not appear on the main screen or elsewhere.
I have deleted it because I consider it to be damaged and I beg you to send me (for my current subscription) an VPN that works well in the BIg One option. The only thing that works is a AVG VPN application that I downloaded from the Internet when I wanted to update. This is only as a trial (test) for a few days and it  asked me  to subscribe again and pay again.
I wish to work with my VPN like it did before

Pending your news I greet you attentively

Hello again:
I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, but I've been away for a few days.
YES, I tried reinstalling AVG VPN again from a previous backup and it doesn't work.
It seems that it is open but nothing can be seen and the situation  on real of your VPN cannot be known. I think an installer package is needed.
I download the test package from the AVG website and download the following items:
avg_secure_vpn_setup. exe 21.9 MB
avg_secure.dmg 3.6 MB
and this installer seems to work in BIG SUR because it opens the app and shows it on the screen.
I don't know if it works well because it requires you to make a new subscription.
Further,  I had to completely  delete them from my download folder because it always opens when I call avg aplication when I was doing tests.        
It does not give you the option to enter with your previous license or I don´t know how to do it.
Consequently, I need you send me  the license installation package again to me because I lost mine  with the migration from Catalina to BIG SUR.
If the VPN does not work in BIG SUR you must cancel my subscription.

You are welcome, Francisco.
To be sure, did you try to reinstall AVG Secure VPN on your Big Sur OS and check the status?

Hello Francisco,

I will help you with the necessary information.

On 24 March 2020, Apple released version 10.15.4 of Catalina to macOS users. This update contains a check of kernel extensions on your Mac. If an application with kernel extensions is detected, macOS displays a notification about legacy system extensions. Click OK to close the notification. Your AVG product will continue to work as normal.

AVG AntiVirus currently use kernel extensions to provide real-time protection for your Mac. We are aware that the Apple guidelines for software developers are changing and we are actively working to improve our products so that they are fully compliant with the upcoming changes. Our transition from kernel extensions to Endpoint Security and Network Extension frameworks is expected to be ready in time for the next major macOS release.

You can check this link https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?urlname=AVG-Mac-Legacy-System-Extensions for more information on this issue.

Thank you for getting back to us, Francisco.
We're glad to hear that you are able to remove AVG Secure VPN and install the latest version.
We can activate AVG Secure VPN using the same license to upgrade it to paid version from trial.

- Click this link, then click 'Activation code' under 'Your activation method:'.
- Then scroll down to see activation instructions for Mac using activation code.
- Follow those steps to complete the activation.

If you need anything else, do not hesitate to let us know.