AVG Preventing PC from starting

We appreciate your efforts but we apologize for the difficulties. To fix this issue, we suggest you to restart the computer in safe mode with networking. Before restarting the computer, make sure to unplug all the USB cables (eg: Printer, Scanner, HDD) then try to reboot the computer and then try pressing “Esc” or “F8” key to check whether it skips to boot screen.
If the computer booted into safe mode,please uninstall AVG from safe mode and check if that fix this error. Thank you

Hello, don't know if I have been hit with a virus or not. Been using AVG about 6 months now. About two months ago, the computer would not start, and some lines talking about Watchdog would come up, and that would remain on the screen and the computer would fail to start. I would hard power down and restart about 2 or 3 times and finally the PC would start.

Now for the past week, I have been unable to start the PC. After the Watchdog lines, now I get several pages of code, all in a DOS screen, (apparently) and the computer sits there with this stuff showing, and will not start Windows. I hard power down, re-try, and the same thing for a week now. I have been unable to use my primary computer.

The last line of the code reads:
"AV","local_data":{"appName":AVG Protection"},"version":"6"}

Dell Inspirion 1764 i5
OS: Originally Win 7, Upgraded in June to Win 10

Any ideas?
~ Michael
Good evening,
I removed my wireless mouse transceiver and the laptop now boots up normally.
I reinstalled the transceiver to verify that it was indeed the cause, and then removed it again.
I repeated this a few times and the transceiver is indeed what is  causing AVG to prevent the computer from starting.
It never did this when I was using Norton, and it did not even do this with AVG, until recently.
Can you explain what is happening and maybe provide a remedy?
Thank you for your time,
~ Michael

Pleased to see that you appear to be now sorted. Thank you for reaching out to us with your concerns. We would like to inform you that the issue is caused by outdated Logitech drivers and is unconnected with our software. This has been confirmed by Microsoft.  That's why we have suggested to unplug external drives and perform a normal reboot. Then we request you to update or remove the Logitech drivers to fix this completely. Thank you!

Good Morning Ranjani,
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately, I should have mentioned that I cannot enter Safe Mode. I tried several times, both holding and repeatedly tapping F8, but to no avail.
One of my thoughts was to do exactly what you suggest, but I was unable to do that.
Next idea?
Thank you very much,
~ Michael

You are most welcome.
Have you unplugged all the USB devices that are connected to your PC, including mouse and Keyboard?
If not, please unplug it and perform a simple restart of your computer and it should boot into windows normally.

We appreciate your efforts but we apologize for the difficulties. To fix this issue, we suggest you to restart the computer in safe mode with networking. Before restarting the computer, make sure to unplug all the USB cables (eg: Printer, Scanner, HDD) then try to reboot the computer and then try pressing “Esc” or “F8” key to check whether it skips to boot screen.
If the computer booted into safe mode,please uninstall AVG from safe mode and check if that fix this error. Thank you