AVG Security VPN - How do I disable it?

Does anyone know how I can disable ( stop ) the Security VPN from starting up all the time. I'll use when I want too, I'm not keen having it running all the time.


Hello Steve, 
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We understand that you want to disable AVG Secure VPN from auto connect. We'll certainly check and help you out.
You can configure AVG Secure VPN to turn on or off automatically when your device connects to an untrusted or unsecured Wi-Fi network, such as in a cafe or airport. 
To disable auto-connect in AVG Secure VPN:
-Open AVG Secure VPN and go to ☰ Menu ▸ Settings.
-Select Network Security in the left panel.
-Untick the box next to Automatically when connected to the internet.
AVG Secure VPN no longer turns on automatically when your PC connects to a public network.
To re-enable this option, refer to the Enable auto-connect section in this article: | AVG (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=avg-secure-vpn-auto-connect&retUrl=support_secure_vpn#idt_010)
If you have any query, please let us know.
Thank you and keep us updated.

Hello Steve, 
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We understand that you want to disable AVG Secure VPN from auto connect. We'll certainly check and help you out.
You can configure AVG Secure VPN to turn on or off automatically when your device connects to an untrusted or unsecured Wi-Fi network, such as in a cafe or airport. 
To disable auto-connect in AVG Secure VPN:
-Open AVG Secure VPN and go to ☰ Menu ▸ Settings.
-Select Network Security in the left panel.
-Untick the box next to Automatically when connected to the internet.
AVG Secure VPN no longer turns on automatically when your PC connects to a public network.
To re-enable this option, refer to the Enable auto-connect section in this article: | AVG (https://support.avg.com/SupportArticleView?l=en&urlname=avg-secure-vpn-auto-connect&retUrl=support_secure_vpn#idt_010)
If you have any query, please let us know.
Thank you and keep us updated.