Hi - pretty weird issue here. Windows 10 updated itself yesterday and today it seems my AVG is gone. The folders are there but the program doesnt run. I downloaded it to install again, but when I open the installer, it seems to run and then closes itself and nothing happens. I tried to download AVG clear to clear everything/uninstall first but same thing - when I try to run AVG clear, it seems to run itself but nothing happens. I've tried restarting computer etc of course. I installed Avira and it doesnt seem to be a virus and everything seems to be working normal apart from that. but I dont understand why I cant run those programs. please advise
To sort of change the question I am asking : have their been any reports of AVG being forcibly deleted/uninstalled without prompting rleated to any Windows 10 updates or anything? It happened on my other laptop too - AVG was just deleted without any prompting to me. I successfully reinstalled it but I dont really know what caused it . I think it has some relation to Windows Defender or something - does that make any sense? I am a bit worried it could be something malicious wanting my AVG to be deleted before trying to hack me or something, but I'm not sure that makes sense in this case