Martine, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
AVG I want to stop everything from my subscriptions
I want to stop everything from AVG with friendly greetings
AVG Guru
ik wil alles stoppen van AVG zetten met vriendelijke groeten
Hi, Martine.
We're sorry for not replying in your language, but AVG support is currently available in English only.
From the translation provided by Alan, we understand that you need help with cancelling automatic renewal for AVG subscriptions. However, we could not find any active AVG subscriptions registered with the email address you used to contact us here. We have sent an email, please revert it with requested information to assist you further.
Martine, This Community is basically only English language… Query translation…
[Dutch to English]
AVG I want to stop everything from my subscriptions
I want to stop everything from AVG with friendly greetings
AVG Guru