Beware: Premium Service is a scam and fraud

Hello Robert,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I have already replied to your concern on your previous post. Please check that and get back to us.

Thank you for understanding.

BE WARNED & ADVISED: If readers are trying to decide if the $204.99 cost for Premium Service is worthwhile, be advised, based upon my personal experiences of Nov 15 & 16, the claims are untrue, outright fabrications, and outright lies, in my case, about returning calls to fix the conflict they made worse the previous day. Their claims of service are scams and cons, creatively written to convey a false sense of service and competency at the time an AVG user is at a low point due to PC conflicts. They take your time, pretending to repair the issue, after taking your $204.99, their curser roaming all over the screen very quickly so you cannot digest what is being done, intending to impress the unsuspecting customer. Save you money and take the PC to a retailer or local tech repair. 
I expect to repost this online and on LinkedIn

Hello Robert,
You've reached the AVG community support forum.
I have already replied to your concern on your previous post. Please check that and get back to us.

Thank you for understanding.