Breachguard just doesn't work?

Hello A JM,

My name is Jovana and I'm with AVG Senior Support. Please accept my apologies for the delay.

We appreciate the feedback about the BreachGuard, and we'll certainly use it to improve our services. This is not the expected behavior and if you are willing to troubleshoot, we'd appreciate the chance to take a closer look at this issue.

As for the extension being transferred to another subscription, I've created an email case where we'll get back to you on this subject as soon as the respective team checks your account, and where we can further investigate this BreachGuard behavior. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

- Jovana

So I was given the complimentary Breachguard for alleged breaching of my private information.

Not only did every site it flag have none of the passwords be correct, some don't even recognise my email anymore and at least three of those sites no longer exist.

This is incredibly shoddy and a very poor first impression that only rewarded me with unnecessary paranoia.  I appreciate the consideration, but frankly I would have been much happier with an extra 6 months of my AVG paid or so.

Hello A JM,

My name is Jovana and I'm with AVG Senior Support. Please accept my apologies for the delay.

We appreciate the feedback about the BreachGuard, and we'll certainly use it to improve our services. This is not the expected behavior and if you are willing to troubleshoot, we'd appreciate the chance to take a closer look at this issue.

As for the extension being transferred to another subscription, I've created an email case where we'll get back to you on this subject as soon as the respective team checks your account, and where we can further investigate this BreachGuard behavior. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

- Jovana