BSOD : DLLRegisterServer

Hello Paul,
Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately, the issue you are experiencing is not due to AVG. We would request you to contact a local technician or Microsoft support. Thank you.

I guess most viruses aren't due to AVG though …

Anyway, so why doesn't AVG detect and remove it? Is it not a virus? Something else? A hint?

Hi, I have a somewhat common adware virus on the PC. It can be Googled by searching on 'BSOD : DLLRegisterServer' and you'll see a heap of stuff around, but no decent way of removing it, and seemingly a few entries where AVG doesn't spot it.

That link is the same as what I see on my mine. It slips in via some dodgy link as usual and hides as a rootkit (I'm not massively technical on virus terminology btw). I've maxed out the AVG settings and let it run and it doesn't find it. Other bloggers say AVG doesn't find it.

Anyone here ever had it and successfully removed it? A lot of the suggested methods look well dodgy and I'm loathe to try them.

Cheers, Paul

Paul, if it is a threat or a virus then our AVG protection will detect and remove it. If it is not a threat to your PC then it won't help you with that issue.
As Avinash said earlier it is an issue with Windows, please contact Microsoft support regarding this.
Thank you.

I guess most viruses aren't due to AVG though …

Anyway, so why doesn't AVG detect and remove it? Is it not a virus? Something else? A hint?