The instructions i was sent didn't help, soI decided to go for the sledge hammer approach…
Reboot the machine in Safe Mode
Rename directory C:\Program Files\AVG to C:\Program Files\AVG.old - it contained rather more that I expected
Reboot the machine back into safe mode
Re ran AVG_Remover.exe
Reboot the machine back into safe mode
Reboot the machine, but this time let it come up in regular user mode
Reinstall AVG - it worked as expected :-)
Performed a complete scan of my machine (it appears to be clean)
I'm not sure if running AVG_Remover.exe and AVG_Clear.exe did anything. I'm guessing that they might have tried to clean up the registery and any files that were outside C:\Program Files\AVG.Worst case was that they did nothing at all.
The instructions i was sent didn't help, soI decided to go for the sledge hammer approach…
Reboot the machine in Safe Mode
Rename directory C:\Program Files\AVG to C:\Program Files\AVG.old - it contained rather more that I expected
Reboot the machine back into safe mode
Re ran AVG_Remover.exe
Reboot the machine back into safe mode
Reboot the machine, but this time let it come up in regular user mode
Reinstall AVG - it worked as expected :-)
Performed a complete scan of my machine (it appears to be clean)
I'm not sure if running AVG_Remover.exe and AVG_Clear.exe did anything. I'm guessing that they might have tried to clean up the registery and any files that were outside C:\Program Files\AVG.Worst case was that they did nothing at all.
We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with the installation of your AVG Anti Virus, we have sent you an email with the installation instructions. Please check your mailbox once. If issue persists, please attach us the screenshot of the error message to assist you further.
Yesterday Windows Vista (service pack 2) reported that no virus scanner was active on my PC. This is odd because AVG has been installed for several years at this stage. Since the scanner wouldn't activate I've tied to uninstall it and reinstall the latest version…
Every time I try to reinstall AVG I get the following error:
Action is not allowed Currently used product version does not support this installation. Please uninstall current product an install again. (Error code: 0xe001f98d)
Based in the comment I've read in this forum, I've tried the following:
Uninstall using Windows Control Panel
AVG_Remover.exe in regular mode (The Anti-virus was not noticed, but Web Tune was, and did not uninstall)
AVG_Remover.exe in Safe Mode (Like regular mode, the Anti-virus was not noticed, but Web Tune was, and did not uninstall)
Hello John, AVG Remover tool and AVG Clear tool are used to remove the AVG and its traces completely from the computer. We have run the AVG Clear tool first and then the AVG remover tool. We appreciate all your efforts and we are happy to hear that you've reinstall AVG and it is working fine. Please, feel free to let us know if you require any further assistance. Thank you.
John, If applicable… For your info, just in case that you are unaware, you can post the screenshot here in your topic. Click on 'Answer' & then click on the 'Image' [mountain symbol] & follow the instructions. AVG Guru