Cancel auto renewal trial subscription

Hi Mary,

We are sorry to know that you have decided to cancel AVG subscription.
We will check and help you with this.
We have sent you an email informing about the AVG product details and please reply to that email for further assistance.
Thank you.

I have two months charges on my credit card even after I have cancelled auto renewal with you. Please stop all subscriptions to AVG, DigitalRiver US Incorp.

Hi Mary,

We are sorry to know that you have decided to cancel AVG subscription.
We will check and help you with this.
We have sent you an email informing about the AVG product details and please reply to that email for further assistance.
Thank you.
Chcem pokračovať v pôvodnom predplatnom na AVG Internet security, vo výške 19,08 €, ktoré mi platí dodnes, t.j. 5. mája 2022, ale  keď mi prišiel  mail, omylom som zvolila  inú, podstatne drahšiu verziu, ktorú som  však neuhradila. Akým spôsobom môžem pokračovať v pôvodnej verzii a ako ju mám uhradiť?

Hello Emília. 
Thank you for contacting AVG Support Community. 
Support through this channel is currently available in English only.
We will certainly check and help you.
To proceed further, please create a separate AVG community post by clicking the link below and post your questions in your own post, so we will check with your AVG account and help you accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding.

Note: The below message is translated using Google Translator for your convenience.

Dobrý deň, Emília.
Ďakujeme, že ste kontaktovali komunitu podpory AVG.
Podpora prostredníctvom tohto kanála je momentálne dostupná iba v angličtine.
Určite vás preveríme a pomôžeme.
Ak chcete pokračovať ďalej, vytvorte samostatný príspevok komunity AVG kliknutím na odkaz nižšie a svoje otázky uverejnite vo svojom vlastnom príspevku, aby sme to skontrolovali vo vašom účte AVG a podľa toho vám pomôžeme.
Ďakujem za pochopenie.